Pastor: Father Mel Bayron
34 South Alder Street, Campbell River (Map)


"Called to holiness, we dedicate ourselves to the ongoing
mission of Christ, through the celebration of the sacraments,
evangelization, and service to others."

Mission Masses

Tahsis & Gold River 2nd & 4th Sunday
Tahsis@ 9:30 am
Gold River @ 11am

Sayward - 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 3:00 pm

Seniors Homes

Berwick - 1st & 3rd Thursday @ 11am

Yucalta - 2nd & 4th Thursday @ 11am

Discovery Harbour 1st Friday @ 11am


“What am I waiting for in my life? What is my greatest hope? Does my heart desire to see the face of the Lord?"


Saturday - 4:15 to 4:45 pm
Wednesday - Thursday - Friday
15 minutes prior to morning Mass
or by request


Wednesday 9:30am to 8:00pm

Fridays 8:30 –9:30 Holy Hour



Open after each Sunday Mass
and before Saturday 5:00pm Mass.



“Master, now you are
dismissing your servant in
peace…for my eyes have seen
your salvation, which you have
prepared in the presence
of all peoples…”

Mass Schedule

N.B. Confessions Saturdays at 4:15 PM or call Father Mel.

February 3rd - February 9th

Monday - 7:00 PM Mass with Blessing of Throats INT Amanda Barrow offered by Mary-Anne Beckingham

Tuesday - 7:00 PM Mass for + Chris Aerts offered by by Kathleen Aerts

Wednesday - 9:30 AM Mass for + Bob Brindamour offered by Wayne & Catherine Davis

Thursday - 9:30 AM Mass for INT Monica Strebel offered by Lucy

11:00 AM Mass at Berwick

Friday - 9:30 AM Mass for + Martin Broeren offered by Colin, Mary, & Francis

11:00 AM Mass at Discovery for + Doris Wolter

Saturday - 9:30 AM Mass INT Jean Wells offered by Clay & Family

2:00 PM Funeral Mass for Al Baronas

5:00 PM Mass for + Ed, + Sophie, + Martha, + Gerard offered by the Netzel Family

Sunday - 9:00 AM Mass for + Mary Foster offered by Family

11:00 AM Mass INT For All Parishioners

Greeters Needed - The Welcoming Ministry needs Greeters for the 5:00 PM Saturday Masses and the 11:00 AM Sunday Masses. Please contact Laurel Phyall at 250-923-6477 or email if interested. Thank you.

"Do you know someone who plays piano? The Saturday 5pm choir is urgently seeking a pianist A gradual entry position, with training provided. Anyone interested should contact the parish office.

Please spread the word. Thank you!"

Blessing of the Candles There will be Blessing of the Candles after Communion during both Masses on Sunday Feb. 2nd which is the Feast of Presentation of the Lord. Please bring any candles that you would like blessed to either Mass.

Freda Smith Memorial Bursary - $750.00 bursary awarded annually to a graduating Catholic student within the Diocese of Victoria. Applications may be accessed via website: application There is further information on the church bulletin board in the office foyer.


Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program - Fourteen bursaries of $1,000.00 each to Catholic students in BC. Applications accepted January 1, 2025 to June 30, 2025. More information can be found on the Knights of Columbus Website There is further information on the church bulletin board in the office foyer.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul Our Lady of Guadalupe Conference has 2 small chest freezers and 1 large chest freezer to give away - approx. 15 years old and in good working order. Please call Sheila, President @ 250-203-2817 if interested.

A special message to consider on this St. Valentine's Day. For more information, please click HERE

THE BOTTLE DRIVE continues under the leadership of John McGillivary. The monies collected will go to the parish account for the general needs of St. Patrick’s Church.

The entire bottle drive crew would like to thank all the St. Patrick’s Parishioners for their support

Recycling continues on Saturdays from 10 AM - Noon

January 25th - $282.30

Thank You!

Adoration of the Eucharist Every Wednesday after the 9:30 AM Mass until 8:00 PM He said to Peter, “Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” - Matthew 26:40-45

PRIVATE DEVOTION - Sunday Night Prayers - All are invited to Sunday Night Prayers beginning at 7 PM in the Sanctuary. The prayers are traditional and consist of the Rosary, Marian Prayers, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, hymns, and Litanies. Prayers last about 40 mins. All are welcome.

For more information on how to report instances of sexual abuse, please click HERE or on the red "Report Sexual Abuse" button shown above.